

IMDb Rating NA
Season 15 Episodes
2022Drama69hr 00 min Season 15 Episodes

Aadhya tries to change Drishtikon of her father by and tries to prove him wrong. she tries to take family business .

Languages: Gujarati

Aadhya did not get chance to run there family business as Mr. Mehta thinks she can't handle business.

Eric and Farhan tries to convince Aadit that he should help her and convince Mr. Mehta.

Aadhya now decides that she will do job and prove everyone wrong.

Mr. Mehta gives Aadhya a chance competition starts between Aadhya and Aadit. Ronak Dave one of the biggest name in business enters in life of Aadhya.

It's day of competition and and Aadhya is nervous about something that happened last night with her.