The Pretty Pep Talk With Prashant

The Pretty Pep Talk With Prashant

IMDb Rating NA
Season 110 Episodes
2022Lifestyle360hr 00 min Season 110 Episodes

This series is created to welcome you into the world of some amazing inspiring women. Women who have lived through experiences which have shaped them to become empowered. What is their mantra of life. ...Read more

Languages: English

How to become joyous in this world without getting entangled.

How to fall in love again with the same person

Know about your sacred symbol to enhance your life

Importance of meditation and yoga to create harmony in your life

A Writers take on love, life ,marraige and much more.

Know the true face of media from an ex-editor.

Stylist and food critic tells us how human consciousness has evolved with time.

How taking risk in life is important to grow.

Right kind of nutrition can be the secret of your youthfulness .

Know 3 most important mantras in life from Mrs.India